Online master degree programs offer working students and professionals the opportunity to earn a graduate degree in a convenient and flexible online format. Studies report that certain professions may require a masters degree for entry-level jobs, and also that earning a master’s degree might lead to higher wages.i
online master programs About Online Master’s Degree Programs Many universities and colleges have both residential and online master’s programs which one might pursue on a full-time or part-time basis. Today, an increasing number of adult learners are turning to the online option.ii Applicants to online master degree programs should have first earned an undergraduate degree. As with traditional masters programs, an online master program may take anywhere from one to two years to complete full-time. Some universities may offer an online dual degree that combines both a Bachelor’s degree and a Master’s degree. These may take longer. Furthermore, duration may vary between graduate schools and the type of degree you work towards. What Should I Look For in An Online Masters Program Your search for online programs may lead you to colleges, universities, for profit companies and virtual universities. So how might you ensure a quality education? Accreditation One of the things to consider is accreditation. Accredited graduate schools have demonstrated that they meet industry standards. You can look for regional accreditation, national accreditation and professional accreditation. The U.S. Department of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation are good resources. Online graduate degrees are gaining respect and becoming very popular and widely accepted. The diploma does not usually stipulate how a student earned their degree but employers may look for accrediation. Faculty, Curriculum & Course Content Another factor to consider when searching for an online Masters program or degree is how the courses, curriculum and faculty handle the online delivery method so you ensure your own educational needs are met. Often distance learning programs are mirrors of residential ones, but this is a good thing to verify.